If you’re looking for something fresh for your business, then you might be looking for a smoothie machine. Perfect for drumming up new business, a smoothie machines adds a lot of variety and options you might not have offered before. They can also craft a whole new level of creativity to your menu. How can a smoothie machine add all this to your business? That’s what this blog is here to cover.
By adding a smoothie to your business, it brings with it a new option for drinks. With a smoothie machine you can have up to two base flavors, but you can always get more creative. Dressing up a smoothie with different fillings, fruits, or syrups you can make all sorts of different creations. Plus, you can have some come and go and be promotional based or last for a limited time to always mix it up and keep people’s attention. Just because the product comes out of a smoothie machine doesn’t mean it has to be a smoothie either. Make it a convenient açai bowl in smoothie form. Or, it could be more of a veggie packed smoothie. Have one on each side so that you get the best of both options and appeal to all. It really depends on how you want to advertise to your customers. No matter the options, you can create fun and interesting seasonal smoothies for all to enjoy.
Hesitant on the idea of adding a smoothie machine to your current business or worried how it will handle? Here at Lane & McClain Distributors we have a demo kitchen setup and ready to go so you can test out any product you’re interested in first to make sure it’s the right fit for you. The last thing we want is for you to feel pressured into buying something you’re wary about as it goes against out very code. Not only that but if you don’t want to clean out your machine daily, we have a service for that.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. If you have a topic you’d like to see us write about, please leave it in the comments below or reach out to us and let us know. After reading this article, what type of smoothie would you like to try or see?